Tuesday, July 9, 2019

Jammed Safe – What to do About it!

The whole point of having your safe is to keep your valued items; safe! But, what happens when your safe is jammed and even you can’t access it? This can result in everything from mild annoyance to downright panic! Here at Fast & Secure Locksmith we caution all callers to remain calm – nothing can be gained by losing your nerve. Follow our tips listed here on how to handle the situation when your valued safe just won’t open.

Safes are everywhere

You see a lot of safes in the movies and on television. They might be in crime shows or movies about banking and high finance. Safes are often portrayed as built into walls or hidden under floors. Many of these shows make it look easy to access someone else’s safe. The thief or government agent simply wears black gloves, listens carefully and then turns the dial and boom – the safe is open! In real life, it is much different. Safes can be opened in many ways that range from drilling or cutting open the safe and leaving damage or by “cracking” the safe professionally and getting it open without compromising the structure or appearance.

Here in Bolingbrook, IL safes can be found in banks, attorney’s offices, jewelry stores, fine dining, book dealers, fast food, car dealers, and thousands of other commercial and institutional locations. Safes can even be found in private homes and home offices. You don’t have to be a business mogul in order to have a safe to keep your cash and valuables in. Anyone that values privacy and secure protection for your cash, jewelry and other valuables can own and use a solid, well-built safe.

Keep your cool!

It doesn’t matter how urgent the need to access your safe is; don’t panic and try and force your way into it! You will only make matters worse. If you damage your safe there’s no guarantee that you will be able to access it and then you will have repair charges in addition to a service call fee to get it open. Simply remain calm and follow our tips listed below.

Did you forget your combination?

If you did indeed forget the combination to your safe, you will need to call for professional help. Don’t waste time trying to be James Bond and figure out a way to open it on your own. There are several licensed, bonded and insured locksmiths in Bolingbrook, IL that can help. If you are using the original combination that you got when you first bought it, contact the manufacturer and they might be able to help you recover it for you. They will need your serial number so be sure to have it on hand when you call.

What if you used the right combination?

This sometimes happens – don’t panic; we have a little known trick that might help. At times the safe’s lever gets stuck. Here’s what you can do. Go ahead and spin the combination dial. Do the first number, then the second. Instead of arriving at the correct third number, stop on number 8. Now using a rubber headed hammer, pound the safe’s door a few times. Don’t hit the dial itself; just the door. Now continue on and enter the third number and then see if this does the trick. If not, repeat the process a couple more times.

Article Source: Jammed Safe – What to do About it!

Aricle source here: Jammed Safe – What to do About it!