Keys get stuck in locks all the time. It’s usually annoying and can throw your planned schedule off big time! Here at Fast & Secure Locksmith we often get calls for stuck key relief. Now, a stuck key in your ignition can take this frustration to new levels! That’s why it’s so important to keep your “cool” and stay calm. Remember, panicking never helped anyone and it certainly won’t help to “freak out” when you’re behind the wheel of a multi-ton vehicle made of steel and glass! What if the key is stuck and you can’t remove it OR turn off the car? Same solution; stay calm and call for an experienced automotive locksmith in Bolingbrook for fast and professional help.
Keep in mind…
Remember; things that break can always be fixed. Sure, your stuck ignition key may have thrown off your schedule or caused you to miss an important engagement but keeping your nerves about you can make this inconvenience end faster and minimize both cost and additional damage.
Before you do anything else, put on your parking brake. While this does NOT remove your stuck key, it DOES keep your car from rolling back or forth while you try different methods to remedy the situation.
Next, jiggle the ignition key back and forth gently. Sometimes, this extra attention to it is all that is needed and your key can “wiggle” free. Did that work? If no, try this next simple step. It may just save you frustration and a service call!
Here it is… are you in gear? Don’t laugh; many people (ok, we’ve all done it at some point!) try and turn the car off and remove the key and all along they were in the wrong gear. You need to be in PARK and not in Neutral or Drive. Don’t feel bad if this is the problem – it’s so easy to get distracted in this day and age of busy schedules and frantic appointments. Auto manufacturers have designed automatic transmissions to work this way for safety reasons. If you’re in the wrong gear, you can’t remove the ignition key!
Steering wheel
If the transmission gear check didn’t release your ignition key, try to move your steering wheel back and forth and see if that does the trick. Sometimes the when the steering locks into place, the key sticks and often a simple back and forth movement is all it takes to release it.
You can also spray a lubricant into the ignition lock. Use just a little spritz of electrical contact cleaner and be sure to open the windows first so that the car is well ventilated when you do this.
Another simple check is to see if your car’s battery is not dead. Make sure by turning on the radio or dashboard lights. A dead battery will prevent your car’s computer from reading the signal from your ignition key and it may lock into place.
Wrong key
Not to insult your intelligence but make sure you inserted the right key into the ignition. With all the hustle and bustle of our busy lives it’s easy to try and multi-task and insert a wrong key that might go in and might not come back out so easily. Some recommend that you lightly tap or hammer the key to loosen it in order to remove it. Be careful; too much pressure can break the key and now you have another problem to deal with!
Worn ignition locks
Yes, ignitions wear out eventually. This may be the case with you. Think about it; every time we insert our key and turn the ignition, it puts wear and tear on our ignition system. Eventually, it comes to the end of its life cycle and when this happens a stuck ignition key can result.
Worn ignition key
Not only does the ignition cylinder wear out, the ignition key can, too! Keys can wear down from actual use but also from being used for other things like opening boxes, cans, prying open bottles, puncturing surfaces and other non-key tasks. If the notches and grooves on the key blade are too worn, the lock’s pins may not drop and the key can become stuck in the ignition.
Who can help?
In Bolingbrook, IL there are many choices that you can select from if you choose to get professional help. First of all, be wary of calling friends and family. They mean well, but unless they are experienced or mechanics, the resulting harm to your vehicle can be aggravating and a further expense.
Do you have an automotive locksmith that you use and trust? Call them and NOT a mechanic or your car dealer. Remember; your ignition key won’t come out and your car will most likely need to be towed. Not only is thisanadded expense; but the dealer will only call HIS locksmith and you have a middle-man charge there, as well.
Fast & Secure Locksmith services local Bolingbrook, IL automotive customers on a regular basis and we can do the same for you, too. We offer highly professional mobile service for all makes and models of new and used cars. Our service includes ignition switch repair, service and new installations. You’ll save money and lots of time using our licensed, bonded and insured automotive professionals as we come to you – no more expensive and time wasting tow charges or car dealer nonsense.
Be ready!
Are you dealing with a stuck ignition key now? Try the above tips and see what happens. Don’t forget; Fast & Secure Locksmith offers affordable pricing, 24/7 emergency service, super-fast response times and even free consultations. If you aren’t dealing with a stuck ignition key or have recently and are just reading up on the subject, be sure to enter our shop telephone number into your smart phone for handy access to professional service that is literally at your fingertips. Don’t be without the use of your car; use a professional locksmith in Bolingbrook and you won’t be for long!

Aricle source here: Car key stuck in the ignition; what to do about it
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